This web page is a basic primer on progressing cavity (PC) pumps
used in down hole applications. By using the term down hole, we mean applications where the PC pump
is installed underground and is used for the purposes of pumping crude oil and/or water (usually called
artificial lift in the industry). Fluid injection (usually water) is also considered a down hole application.
While there are a number of major OEMs of progressing cavity pumps and equipment,
the information they provide seems to be geared towards those who already are familiar with PC pump
systems. There is currently very little information available from sources other than OEMs, and what
information is available does not address issues unique to down hole PC pump applications.
Numerical Solutions makes control related equipment specifically for PC pump
systems. Comprehensive PC pump control products are currently under development.
PC pump systems are relatively new to down hole applications. In recent years their
popularity has grown for a number of reasons, including the following:
lower initial cost for field equipment.
the ability to pump oil laden with significant amounts of sand without damage.
the ability to pump oil with high levels of gas without damage.
largest PC pumps have higher levels of production over rod pumps.
PC pump system replaces pump jack: This is a becoming a fairly common occurrence
in Alberta, Canada. In many situation the oil industry is realizing significant advantages of using
PCP systems over conventional rod pump systems.
Equipment Suppliers
Here is a list of some of the major PC pump equipment manufacturers: